all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 6AA 20 1 51.985465 -0.198409
SG7 6AB 8 0 51.986796 -0.195501
SG7 6AD 32 0 51.98894 -0.191599
SG7 6AE 39 7 51.989058 -0.190543
SG7 6AL 11 5 51.989265 -0.189401
SG7 6AP 5 2 51.989166 -0.188764
SG7 6AQ 23 2 51.988543 -0.190945
SG7 6AR 6 4 51.989272 -0.188699
SG7 6AS 13 4 51.988801 -0.188415
SG7 6AT 2 0 51.989093 -0.191054
SG7 6AW 6 0 51.98606 -0.198516
SG7 6AX 10 4 51.988282 -0.188011
SG7 6AY 38 0 51.986822 -0.18491
SG7 6AZ 16 7 51.989233 -0.187844
SG7 6BA 1 1 51.989598 -0.188264
SG7 6BE 15 2 51.988139 -0.186898
SG7 6BG 35 10 51.987408 -0.186182
SG7 6BH 18 0 51.987998 -0.18769
SG7 6BJ 6 5 51.987494 -0.187082
SG7 6BL 1 0 51.98697 -0.186333